Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Another Day to Serve the Lord!

The greatest thing in all the world is knowing Jesus Christ and having the privilege to serve Him. God is still looking for someone who will fully surrender his or her life to His control. Will you be that individual?

Welcome to the NE Mississippi Independent Baptist Youth Rally BLOG. Here you will find information concerning the upcoming youth events in our area hosted by churches that preach and uphold the King James Bible, uphold Biblical convictions, and love souls.

On an average of once every month, we meet together for fellowship, for old-time preaching, for games, and for food. Host churches plan the programs and organize the speakers. It has been a great blessing to the youth of our church and we look forward to 2010. Already we have seen young people saved and challenged to live for Jesus Christ. The best is yet to come!

Here is a listing of the upcoming rallies for 2010. More will be added as we progress through the year. Also, we will be working to add pictures, sermon outlines, comments from those who have attended, and special prayer requests.

- February 22 (unofficial, but still should be good for those who can come) Dr. Arv Edgeworth will be speaking on Biblical Creationism at Wildwood Baptist Church in Tupelo. This will begin at 10:00 AM. A letter will be coming to sister churches soon with more details, and we do ask that you RSVP for this event since we will be providing lunch.

- March 13 - Lakeview Baptist Church in Tupelo; (A letter with more details will be coming soon from Pastor Garland.)

- April 10 - Brother Dave Kelly will be preaching for our rally at Wildwood Baptist Church in Tupelo. Starting time is 4:00 PM. Bible Quiz questions will be taken from the Gospel of Luke.

- May 15 - Our rally will be hosted by Tri-County Baptist Church in Sherman, MS. (More details to come.)

- July's rally will be hosted by Bible Baptist Church in West Point, MS. (More details to come.)

- August 14 - Rally to be held at Hurricane Baptist Church in Hurricane, MS. (More details to come.)


I do hope that this will enable us to communicate information freely. It will help us in our updating processes. Keep in touch, and may the Lord richly bless you as you serve Him. Wow! Another day to serve the King of kings!